The first joint meeting of the Bridge Owners Forum and Bridge Consultants Forum took place in King's College, Cambridge on the 24th and 25th June 2002.
The Consultants will meet on the morning of the 24th and prepared presentations for the Owners. Presentations were given in the afternoon and there was be a joint BOF/BCF Dinner in the evening. The Owners then met on the morning of the 25th to discuss the presentations from the consultants and any other matters.
Monday morning was for consultants only. The consultants were split into groups covering 4 or 5 main subject areas with each group preparing a single presentation for the afternoon joint session. Subjects included: Procurement Methods, New Materials, Bridge Management (deterioration, condition indices), Design/Assessment/Analysis issues (e.g. integral abutments/soil pressures).
Owners arrived for the afternoon session.
Monday afternoon was the Joint session at which the consultants gave their presentations to the owners on their needs & priorities for bridge research. This was be followed by an open discussion on each of the presentations.
On Monday evening, there was a joint owners/consultants dinner in the Saltmarsh Rooms at King's College at which consultants and owners had the opportunity for informal discussion on the issues raised.
The BOF meeting (Owners Only) took place on Tuesday morning, and the Monday presentations were discussed. The remainder of the morning was for ongoing BOF matters. The BOF Meeting concluded at lunchtime on Tuesday.