Guidance Documents

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Learning about bridges - Rochester Bridge Trust
Learning about bridges – Rochester Bridge Trust2024-112023-09Access free from the Rochester Bridge Trust website. Lions Langdon and Leonie are pleased to present their education kit – Learning about Bridges! Learning about Bridges offers 12 chapters on …rochester-bridge-trusteducationstem
Funding for bridge maintenance, CSS 2000
Funding for bridge maintenance, CSS 20002024-112000-02A report prepared by the Bridges Group of the County Surveyors Society in 2000 to study the funding needs for bridge maintenance by Local Authorities and form a basis for …cssasset-managementfinancial
Commuted Sums for Highway Infrastructure Asset Management
Commuted Sums for Highway Infrastructure Asset Management2024-052024-05Access free from the ADEPT website. This guidance is designed to allow LHAs to continue to reflect local priorities in their commuted sums policies, whilst providing a nationally consistent framework …ukrlgasset-managementfinancial
Well Managed Highway Infrastructure - a Code of Practice
Well Managed Highway Infrastructure – a Code of Practice2016-102016-10Access free from the UKRLG website. Also available from CIS. This document is the first edition of Well-managed Highway Infrastructure. It replaces Well-maintained Highways, Management of Highway Structures and Well-lit …ukrlgbridge-management
Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Routemap
Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Routemap2021-112021-11Access free from the UKGBC website. Throughout 2021, UKGBC has been working with a cross-industry team to develop a Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Roadmap (the Roadmap) for the UK …uk-green-building-councilasset-managementsustainability
UK Bridges Board Minutes
UK Bridges Board Minutes20242024Access free from the UKRLG website. The UK Bridges Board, part of the UK Roads Leadership Group, brings bridge owners and managers together to share best practice in design, inspection, …ukrlgcollaborationmeeting-minutes
CRE 244 - Masonry properties for assessing arch bridges
CRE 244 – Masonry properties for assessing arch bridges1990-011990-01Access free from the TRL website. Also available from CIS. Written by Prof Emeritus A.W.Hendry. A discussion of the factors affecting the compressive strength of masonry which are relevant to …trlassessmentmasonry
TRL Report 204. A guide to the strengthening and repair of masonry arch bridges
TRL Report 204. A guide to the strengthening and repair of masonry arch bridges19961996Available from CIS. The County Surveyor’s Society Bridges Group has produced with the assistance of TRL a Guide to the Repair and Strengthening of Arch Bridges. There are about forty …, trlmaintenance strengtheningmasonry
Bridge Inspection Guide 1983
Bridge Inspection Guide 198319831983This guide is concerned with the inspection of bridges during their service lives after their construction and the associated contract maintenance periods. It attempts to set out in a logical …department-for-transportbridge-managementinspection
Transport Act 1968
Transport Act 19681968-101968-10Access free from the website. The Transport Act 1968 (1968 c.73) was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The main provisions made changes to the structure …hmsolegislationlegal
Traffic signs manual
Traffic signs manual2018/192018/19Access free from the website. Also available from CIS. The traffic signs manual gives guidance on the use of traffic signs and road markings prescribed by the Traffic Signs …department-for-transportdesigntraffic-signs
TAL 06/03 Managing the accidental obstruction of the railway by road vehicles
TAL 06/03 Managing the accidental obstruction of the railway by road vehicles2020-092020-09Access free from the website. Also available from CIS. Advice to highway and rail authorities on assessing and planning for risk reduction at sites where roads cross or run …department-for-transportrisk-managementrail-incursion
TRL Research Perspectives: Traffic loading on highway bridges
TRL Research Perspectives: Traffic loading on highway bridges20032003Purchase from the ICE Virtual Library website. Written by Peter Dawe. From the introduction of steam traction engines in the nineteenth century through to the commercial vehicles and heavy industrial …trlassessmentloading
Conservation of Bridges
Conservation of Bridges2002-052002-05Purchase from the Amazon website. Referenced by National Highways CG 304. Out of print. Available at a price from Amazon or second hand book suppliers. This handbook provides a comprehensive …graham-tillyconservation
The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions (TSRGD) 2016
The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions (TSRGD) 20162016-042016-04Access free from the website. Regulations which prescribe the design and conditions of use of traffic signs on or near roads in England, Scotland and Wales. Published in 2016. …hmsolegislationtraffic-signs
Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, HMSO.
Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, HMSO.1986-081986-08Access free from the website. From the website: These regulations are not available on the internet and have been amended many times which makes it very onerous to …hmsolegislationlegal
Road Vehicles (Authorised Weight) Regulations 1998
Road Vehicles (Authorised Weight) Regulations 19981999-011999-01Access free from the website. The Road Vehicles (Authorised Weight) Regulations 1998 is a UK law that sets out the maximum weight limits for vehicles using public roads. Some …hmsolegislationlegal
The Green Book (2022)
The Green Book (2022)2022-112022-11Access free from the website. Also available from CIS. The Green Book is guidance issued by HM Treasury on how to appraise policies, programmes and projects. It also provides …hm-treasurybridge-managementfinancial
Strengthening of rail track owned highway structures - guidance for implementation
Strengthening of rail track owned highway structures – guidance for implementation1999-03, , , 1999-03CSS and Railtrack negotiated a Joint Venture Agreement for assessment of Railtrack-owned bridges carrying the highway over railway. This document developed scenarios for the cost sharing of strengthening work, together …county-surveyors-society lobeg railtrack scotsbridge-managementrepair-and-strengthening
Structures Asset Valuation and Investment (SAVI) tool, User Guide, and earlier SAMPT documentation
Structures Asset Valuation and Investment (SAVI) tool, User Guide, and earlier SAMPT documentation2024-05, 2024-05Access free from the UKRLG website. The Structures Asset Valuation and Investment Tool (SAVI) supports asset owners, operators and managers with the management of their structure stock. SAVI is a …, uk-bridges-board ukrlgbridge-managementfinancial planning
Railway Bridge Maintenance, Second Edition
Railway Bridge Maintenance, Second Edition2017-062017-06Purchase from the ICE Virtual Library website. Written by Nigel Ricketts Railway Bridge Maintenance, Second edition provides a thorough overview to assist those involved in the maintenance and management of …icemaintenancerailway
A Manual of Civil Engineering (1892)
A Manual of Civil Engineering (1892)18621862Access free from the website. By William John Macquorn Rankine, and originally published in 1862, this manual of civil engineering from 1894 includes chapters on surveying, levelling, setting out, …wjm-rankinehistoric-interestengineering
Provision of road restraint on local authority roads
Provision of road restraint on local authority roads2011-10, 2011-10Access free from the UKRLG website. Also available from CIS. The UK’s roads are amongst the safest in Europe, nonetheless the number of accidents involving vehicles leaving the carriageway remains …department-for-transport ukrlgdesignvrs
Path bridges
Path bridges2006-112006-11Access free from the Paths for All website. In 1979 the Countryside Commission for Scotland (CCS) published Footbridges in the Countryside. It has remained the definitive (and only) guide to …paths-for-alldesignfootbridges
PAS 2080:2023 Carbon Management in Infrastructure Verification
PAS 2080:2023 Carbon Management in Infrastructure Verification2023-032023-03Access free from the BSI website. At a time of a global climate emergency and with an international agreement to transition to a net zero carbon economy by or before …, , , british-standards-institute-bsiasset-management design maintenancecarbon sustainability
Parapet Height Protocol for Asset Owners and Managers - Design Guidance
Parapet Height Protocol for Asset Owners and Managers – Design Guidance2023-012023-01Access free from the UKRLG website. This document aims to give guidance and advice to highway managers and bridge owners regarding roles and responsibilities relating to the revised requirements for …ukrlgbridge-managementparapets
P138 Appraisal of existing iron and steel structures
P138 Appraisal of existing iron and steel structures19971997Available from CIS. Written by Mike Bussell This publication gives guidance on the appraisal of existing iron and steel structures. It deals mainly with building structures in cast and wrought …steel-construction-instituteassessmentsteel
Net Zero Bridges Group Carbon Calculation Guide
Net Zero Bridges Group Carbon Calculation Guide2024-072024-07Access free from the Net Zero Bridges Group website. This note sets out the accepted approach for carrying out carbon calculations for bridges by the Net Zero Bridges Group to …, net-zero-bridges-groupdesigncarbon sustainability
NR/L3/CIV/142 The Management of the Movement of Abnormal Road Loads
NR/L3/CIV/142 The Management of the Movement of Abnormal Road Loads2017-122017-12Available from NR Portal, CIS. The purpose of this document is to define the requirements for the management of the movement of Abnormal Road Loads over Network Rail structures. These …network-railbridge-managementabnormal-loads
NR/L3/CIV/076 Management of the Risk of Bridge Strikes from Road Vehicles and Waterborne Vessels
NR/L3/CIV/076 Management of the Risk of Bridge Strikes from Road Vehicles and Waterborne Vessels2010-092010-09Available from NR Portal, CIS. The purpose of this Network Rail standard is to: – define the requirements for the management of Underline and Overline Bridges such that there is …network-railbridge-management
NR/L3/CIV/023 Assessment of Footbridges
NR/L3/CIV/023 Assessment of Footbridges2018-032018-03Available from NR Portal, CIS. This document provides requirements and advice for the assessment of footbridges. It complements NR/L2/CIV/035. It forms part of the control barrier ‘Carry out Structural Assessment …network-railassessmentfootbridges
NR/L3/CIV/00012 Management of Road Vehicle Incursions
NR/L3/CIV/00012 Management of Road Vehicle Incursions2022-122022-12Available from NR Portal, CIS. This standard sets out the requirements for the management of risk from Road Vehicle Incursions (RVI) to the Operational Railway. It applies to the following …network-railrisk-managementrail-incursion
NR/L2/CIV/295 Scour Assessment of Bridges, Culverts and Retaining Walls
NR/L2/CIV/295 Scour Assessment of Bridges, Culverts and Retaining Walls2018-092018-09Available from NR Portal, CIS. This business process describes the procedures for safeguarding Network Rail structures from the risk of scour. It manages the threat of scour, which can lead …network-railassessmentscour
NR/L2/CIV/035 Management of Structures
NR/L2/CIV/035 Management of Structures2019-062019-06Available from NR Portal, CIS. This Manual sets out the procedures for managing the load capacity of structures through structural assessment and carrying out structural assessments. Structural assessment is a …network-railbridge-management
NR/GN/CIV/025 Guidance Note - The Structural Assessment of Underbridges
NR/GN/CIV/025 Guidance Note – The Structural Assessment of Underbridges2006-062006-06Available from NR Portal, CIS. The purpose of this document is to provide recommendations for applicable standards and analytical methods which may be used to determine the load carrying capacity …network-railassessmentstructures
NR/GN/CIV/015 The Assessment of Underbridge Capacity (formerly RT/C/CE/015)
NR/GN/CIV/015 The Assessment of Underbridge Capacity (formerly RT/C/CE/015)1995-111995-11Available from NR Portal, CIS. The purpose of this Railtrack Line Code of Practice is to specify standards to which assessments of safe carrying capacities of Railtrack underbridges should be …network-railassessmentstructures
Catalogue of Network Rail Standards
Catalogue of Network Rail Standards2022-032022-03Access free from the Network Rail website. Also available from CIS. This is a publicly available list of Network Rail Standards but dates from March 2022. The latest version is …network-railbridge-managementrail-bridges
Network Management Manual
Network Management Manual2009-072009-07Access free from the Standards for Highways website. Also available from CIS. The requirements and advice for the management of maintenance on the trunk road network are described in two …national-highwaysnetwork-management
New Roads and Street Works Act 1991
New Roads and Street Works Act 19911991-061991-06Access free from the website. The New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 (NRSWA) is a UK law that sets out requirements for street works and road works carried …hmsolegislationlegal
Prevention of strikes on bridges over highways: a protocol for highway managers and bridge owners (Issue 2)
Prevention of strikes on bridges over highways: a protocol for highway managers and bridge owners (Issue 2)2014-072014-07Access free from the website. Guidance on how drivers, transport staff and bridge owners can prevent vehicles from hitting bridges and what to do if a bridge strike
MCHW Volume 1 - Specification for highway works
MCHW Volume 1 – Specification for highway works2022-102022-10Access free from the Standards for Highways website. Also available from CIS. The Overseeing Organisations of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have a comprehensive publication system entitled “Manual of …national-highwayscontracts
Management of highway structures - a code of practice
Management of highway structures – a code of practice2005-20132005-2013Access free from the UKRLG website. The purpose of this Code is to provide authoritative guidance on highway structures stewardship duties and the development of recognised Good Management Practice. The …ukrlgbridge-management
LTN 1/20 Local Transport Note - Cycle Infrastructure Design
LTN 1/20 Local Transport Note – Cycle Infrastructure Design2020-072020-07Access free from the DfT website. Also available from CIS. This local transport note (LTN) provides guidance to local authorities on delivering high quality, cycle infrastructure including: – planning for …department-for-transportdesigncycling
LoBEG Good Practice Guide - 
Risk-based Prioritisation & Value for Money
LoBEG Good Practice Guide – Risk-based Prioritisation & Value for Money2018-112018-11Access free from the LoBEG website. The London Bridges Engineering Group (LoBEG) and Transport for London (TfL) have developed a risk-based approach to the prioritisation of planned maintenance projects. This …, lobegbridge-managementfinancial planning
LoBEG Good Practice Guide - Risk-based Inspection of Highway Structures
LoBEG Good Practice Guide – Risk-based Inspection of Highway Structures2019-122019-12Access free from the LoBEG website. Highway structures form essential links in any highway network. A potential failure of any of these links could result in delays to the travelling …lobegbridge-managementinspection
LoBEG Good Practice Guide - Creating Consistent Element Inventories for Highway Structures
LoBEG Good Practice Guide – Creating Consistent Element Inventories for Highway Structures2011-082011-08Access free from the LoBEG website. This Good Practice Guide (GPG) has been prepared by the London Bridges Engineering Group (LoBEG) Asset Management Working Group to provide guidance and an …lobegasset-managementdata
LoBEG Good Practice Guide - Lifecycle Planning for Highway Structures
LoBEG Good Practice Guide – Lifecycle Planning for Highway Structures2011-082011-08Access free from the LoBEG website. This Good Practice Guide describes the lifecycle planning methodology developed by the London Bridges Engineering Group (LoBEG) Asset Management Working Group. The Group consider …lobegasset-management
National Highways Sector Scheme 31 for the Bridge Inspector Certification Scheme
National Highways Sector Scheme 31 for the Bridge Inspector Certification Scheme20162016Access free from the Lantra website. Lantra runs an international certification scheme for bridge inspectors. The scheme is operated on behalf of the UK Bridges Board and is supported by …lantrabridge-managementinspection
The Institution of Structural Engineers - Design for Zero
The Institution of Structural Engineers – Design for Zero20212021Purchase from the IStructE website. Also available from CIS. In Part 1 we examine the origins of some of our design practices and sources of carbon emissions. In Part 2, …institution-of-structural-engineersdesignsustainability
Inspection Manual for Highway Structures, Volume 2
Inspection Manual for Highway Structures, Volume 22007-052007-05Volume 2 of the Inspection Manual for Highway Structures. The purpose of this Inspection Manual is to provide guidance on the inspection process for all staff involved in the management …, national-highwaysbridge-management inspectioninspection
Inspection Manual for Highway Structures, Volume 1
Inspection Manual for Highway Structures, Volume 12007-052007-05Volume 1 of the Inspection Manual for Highway Structures. The purpose of this Inspection Manual is to provide guidance on the inspection process for all staff involved in the management …, national-highwaysbridge-management inspectioninspection
ICE Manual of Bridge Engineering, 3rd Edition
ICE Manual of Bridge Engineering, 3rd Edition2022-032022-03Purchase from the ICE Virtual Library website. Written by Gerard Parke and Nigel Hewson The ICE Manual of Bridge Engineering is the industry’s leading guide to the engineering of all …icebridge-engineering
ICE Low Carbon Concrete Routemap
ICE Low Carbon Concrete Routemap2022-042022-04Access free from the ICE website. The challenge before us is as clear as it has ever been, and with that challenge comes the realisation that we must meet it …institution-of-civil-engineersasset-managementsustainability
HMEP UKRLG Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance
HMEP UKRLG Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Guidance2013-05, 2013-05Access free from the UKRLG website. Asset management is a well-established discipline, implemented in the UK and internationally for the management of physical assets. Many asset owning organisations have adopted …hmep ukrlgasset-management
Highways Act 1980
Highways Act 19801980-111980-11Access free from the website. The Highways Act 1980 is a UK law that outlines the powers and responsibilities of local authorities and highway authorities in relation to highways, …hmsolegislationlegal
Highway Bridge Management
Highway Bridge Management2022-122022-12Purchase from the ICE Virtual Library website. Edited by Richard Fish and Graham Cole. Highway Bridge Management provides bridge maintenance engineers and bridge managers with key information necessary to effectively …icebridge-managementhighway
Heavy and High Load Grid Maps, withdrawn
Heavy and High Load Grid Maps, withdrawn2012-072012-07Access free from the website. High and heavy load grids were designed to assist the haulage industry plan moves and ensure routes are maintained to agreed capacities. They were …national-highwaysbridge-managementabnormal-loads
Guidance - Definition of Asset Management Responsibilities: Bridges and Structures
Guidance – Definition of Asset Management Responsibilities: Bridges and Structures2022-02, , , 2022-02Access free from the UKRLG website. This document provides guidance for Local Authorities and National Highways to assist in the agreement of operational and maintenance boundaries for bridges and structures …adept department-for-transport national-highways ukrlgasset-management
Guidance on the design, assessment and strengthening of masonry parapets on highway structures
Guidance on the design, assessment and strengthening of masonry parapets on highway structures20122012Also available from CIS. This document is the precursor to BS 8779:2022 Assessment, maintenance and repair of masonry highway parapets for bridges and other structures. From the summary of the …, , department-for-transportassessment design strengtheningparapets
Eurocodes, National Annexes, and Published Documents
Eurocodes, National Annexes, and Published Documents2002-20222002-2022Purchase from the BSI website. Also available from CIS. For a list of the relevant documents associated with Eurocodes refer to the Technical Approval Schedule (TAS) published by National Highways.british-standards-institute-bsidesign
Electronic Service Delivery of Abnormal Loads (ESDAL)
Electronic Service Delivery of Abnormal Loads (ESDAL)2015-012015-01Access free from the National Highways website. If you’re responsible for transporting an abnormal load, you need to follow regulations for notifying highway, police and bridge authorities. The ESDAL system …national-highwaysbridge-managementabnormal-loads
Dorman Long Handbooks
Dorman Long Handbooks1895-19641895-1964Access free from the Dorman Long website. Dorman Long & Co., Ltd was first formed by Arthur Dorman and Albert de Laude Long in 1875 in the north east of …dorman-longmaterialssteel
DMRB LA 106 - Cultural heritage assessment
DMRB LA 106 – Cultural heritage assessment2020-012020-01Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document sets out the requirements for assessing and reporting the effects on cultural heritage as part of the environmental …national-highwaysbridge-managementheritage
DMRB GG 103 - Introduction and general requirements for sustainable development and design
DMRB GG 103 – Introduction and general requirements for sustainable development and design2019-072019-07Access free from the DMRB website. Sustainable development is a concept that seeks to ensure that economic, environmental and social and cultural factors are central to the way development is …, national-highwaysbridge-management designsustainability
DMRB GG 000 - Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Index
DMRB GG 000 – Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Index2024-102024-10Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document contains the current index of Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) documents as of the date of …, , national-highwaysassessment design maintenance
DMRB CG 300 Design TAS - Generic Design Technical Approval Schedule (TAS)
DMRB CG 300 Design TAS – Generic Design Technical Approval Schedule (TAS)2024-102024-10Access free from the DMRB website. This document is a schedule of standards and guidance that National Highways consider relevant to the design of highway bridges. It is regularly updated …national-highwaysdesign
DMRB CG 300 Assessment TAS - Generic Assessment Technical Approval Schedule
DMRB CG 300 Assessment TAS – Generic Assessment Technical Approval Schedule2024-102024-10Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document is a schedule of standards and guidance that National Highways consider relevant to the assessment of highway bridges. …national-highwaysbridge-management
DMRB GD 304 - Designing health and safety into maintenance
DMRB GD 304 – Designing health and safety into maintenance2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. The Overseeing Organisation has legal duties with respect to the safety of road workers, road users and other parties. These legal duties are derived …national-highwaysbridge-managementhealth-and-safety
DMRB CS 470 - Management of sub-standard highway structures
DMRB CS 470 – Management of sub-standard highway structures2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. The purpose of this document is to provide the requirements for the management of highway structures that have either been …national-highwaysbridge-management
DMRB CS 468 - Assessment of Freyssinet concrete hinges in highway structures
DMRB CS 468 – Assessment of Freyssinet concrete hinges in highway structures2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document provides requirements and advice for the assessment of existing Freyssinet concrete hinges in highway structures. This document supersedes …, national-highwaysassessmentconcrete freyssinet-hinges
DMRB CS 467 - Risk management and structural assessment of concrete deck hinge structures
DMRB CS 467 – Risk management and structural assessment of concrete deck hinge structures2020-042020-04Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. The use of this document enables the safety and serviceability of deck hinges to be managed and assessed, providing key …, national-highwaysbridge-managementconcrete risk-management
DMRB CS 466 - Risk management and structural assessment of concrete half-joint deck structures
DMRB CS 466 – Risk management and structural assessment of concrete half-joint deck structures2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. The use of this document enables the safety and serviceability of half-joints to be managed and assessed, providing key information …, , national-highwaysbridge-managementconcrete half-joints risk-management
DMRB CS 465 - Management of post-tensioned concrete bridges
DMRB CS 465 – Management of post-tensioned concrete bridges2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. Generally post-tensioned concrete bridges have given good service and few have had significant problems. However, tendons can be vulnerable to …, , national-highwaysbridge-managementconcrete post-tensioning risk-management
DMRB CS 464 - Non-destructive testing of highway structures
DMRB CS 464 – Non-destructive testing of highway structures2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document contains the requirements related to the non destructive testing (NDT) of highways structures. Typical uses of NDT for …, national-highwaysinspection investigationsurvey-and-testing
DMRB CS 463 - Load testing for bridge assessment
DMRB CS 463 – Load testing for bridge assessment2019-062019-06Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. Bridges can fail assessment calculation even when they seem to be carrying normal traffic satisfactorily without any undue signs of …national-highwaysassessmentload-testing
DMRB CS 462 - Repair and management of deteriorated concrete highway structures
DMRB CS 462 – Repair and management of deteriorated concrete highway structures2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document provides requirements and advice for repair or management in service of deteriorated concrete highway structures. This document incorporates …, national-highwaysbridge-management maintenanceconcrete
DMRB CS 461 - Assessment and upgrading of in-service parapets
DMRB CS 461 – Assessment and upgrading of in-service parapets2023-012023-01Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document provides requirements and advice for the assessment and upgrading of existing vehicle parapets on highway structures. It gives …national-highwaysassessmentparapets
DMRB CS 460 - Management of corrugated steel buried
DMRB CS 460 – Management of corrugated steel buried structures2023-042023-04Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document details the management requirements for corrugated steel buried structures (CSBS). A large number of CSBS act as culverts …national-highwaysbridge-managementsteel
DMRB CS 459 - The assessment of bridge substructures, retaining structures and buried structures
DMRB CS 459 – The assessment of bridge substructures, retaining structures and buried structures2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. The use of this document enables the safety and serviceability of bridge substructures, retaining structures and buried structures to be …national-highwaysassessmentsubstructures
DMRB CS 458 - The assessment of highway bridges and structures for the effects of special type general order (STGO) and special order (SO) vehicles
DMRB CS 458 – The assessment of highway bridges and structures for the effects of special type general order (STGO) and special order (SO) vehicles2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. National Highways document. The use of this document enables the effects of special type general order (STGO) and special order …national-highwaysassessmentloading
DMRB CS 457 - The assessment of composite highway bridges and structures
DMRB CS 457 – The assessment of composite highway bridges and structures2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document contains requirements for the assessment of existing steel/concrete composite structures and structural elements. In the original drafting of …national-highwaysassessmentcomposite
DMRB CS 456 - The assessment of steel highway bridges and structures
DMRB CS 456 – The assessment of steel highway bridges and structures2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document gives requirements for the assessment of existing steel structures and structural element on motorways and other trunk roads. …national-highwaysassessmentsteel
DMRB CS 455 - The assessment of concrete highway bridges and structures
DMRB CS 455 – The assessment of concrete highway bridges and structures2022-102022-10Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. The use of this document enables concrete highway bridges and structures to be assessed, providing key information that is required …national-highwaysassessmentconcrete
DMRB CS 454 - Assessment of highway bridges and structures
DMRB CS 454 – Assessment of highway bridges and structures2022-102022-10Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. The use of this document enables the structural safety and serviceability of highway bridges and structures to be assessed, providing …national-highwaysassessmentstructures
DMRB CS 453 - The assessment of highway bridge supports
DMRB CS 453 – The assessment of highway bridge supports2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document contains the prioritisation, the loading (including broad principles for its application) and some specific guidelines for the assessment …national-highwaysassessmentbridge-supports
DMRB CS 451 - Structural review and assessment of highway structures
DMRB CS 451 – Structural review and assessment of highway structures2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document presents a system for structural review and assessment of structures as recommended by “Management of Highway Structures? A …national-highwaysassessmentstructures
DMRB CS 450 - Inspection of highway structures
DMRB CS 450 – Inspection of highway structures2021-042021-04Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document describes the inspection and reporting requirements for highway structures on motorway and all purpose trunk roads as defined …national-highwaysbridge-managementinspection
DMRB CM 431 - Maintenance painting of steelwork
DMRB CM 431 – Maintenance painting of steelwork2019-122019-12Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document sets out the requirements for, and gives advice on, the development of maintenance painting schemes and specifications for …, national-highwaysmaintenancepainting steel
DMRB CG 304 - Conservation of highway structures
DMRB CG 304 – Conservation of highway structures2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. National Highways document. There is a general public interest in historic bridges, to maintain them and to resist modernisation or …national-highwaysbridge-managementheritage
DMRB CG 302 - As-built, operational and maintenance records for highway structures
DMRB CG 302 – As-built, operational and maintenance records for highway structures2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document should be read in conjunction with the current health and safety legislation relevant to the highway construction industry. …national-highwaysbridge-managementdata
DMRB CG 300 - Technical approval of highway structures
DMRB CG 300 – Technical approval of highway structures2024-102024-10Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document specifies the technical approval (TA) procedures for highway structures on motorways, trunk roads or any road designated by …national-highwaysbridge-management
DMRB CD 622 rev 1 Managing geotechnical risk
DMRB CD 622 rev 1 Managing geotechnical risk2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. This document defines the technical approval and certification procedures to be used to ensure that the risks associated with geotechnical activities are appropriately managed., national-highwaysbridge-managementgeotechnics risk
DMRB CD 529 - Design of outfall and culvert details
DMRB CD 529 – Design of outfall and culvert details2021-122021-12Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document gives the requirements and advice for the design of outfalls and culverts. It supplements the guidance given in …national-highwaysdesignculverts
DMRB CD 376 - Unreinforced masonry arch bridges
DMRB CD 376 – Unreinforced masonry arch bridges2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. Experience has shown that arch bridges are very durable structures and should require less maintenance in comparison to other bridge …national-highwaysdesignmasonry
DMRB CD 373 - Impregnation of reinforced and prestressed concrete highway structures using hydrophobic pore-lining impregnants
DMRB CD 373 – Impregnation of reinforced and prestressed concrete highway structures using hydrophobic pore-lining impregnants2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document provides the requirements and advice for the impregnation of reinforced and prestressed concrete highway structures using hydrophobic pore-lining …, national-highwaysdesignconcrete protection
DMRB CD 372 - Design of post-installed anchors and reinforcing bar connections in concrete
DMRB CD 372 – Design of post-installed anchors and reinforcing bar connections in concrete2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. This document provides design requirements for post-installed anchors and reinforcing bar connections – collectively referred to as fixings – in concrete, including the conceptual …national-highwaysdesignconcrete
DMRB CD 371 - Strengthening highway structures using fibre-reinforced polymers and externally bonded steel plates
DMRB CD 371 – Strengthening highway structures using fibre-reinforced polymers and externally bonded steel plates2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document has been developed to enable the use of Eurocode principles for basis of design when strengthening structures with …national-highwaysstrengtheningfrp
DMRB CD 370 - Cathodic protection for use in reinforced concrete highway structures
DMRB CD 370 – Cathodic protection for use in reinforced concrete highway structures2020-042020-04Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. The content of this document is based on that of BA 83/02, re-written to make it compliant with the new …national-highwaysassessmentcathodic-protection
DMRB CD 369 - Surface protection for concrete highway structures
DMRB CD 369 – Surface protection for concrete highway structures2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document contains the requirements and supporting advice for the surface protection for concrete highway structures. This document incorporates technical …national-highwaysdesignwaterproofing
DMRB CD 368 - Design of fibre reinforced polymer bridges and highway structures
DMRB CD 368 – Design of fibre reinforced polymer bridges and highway structures2020-022020-02Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document contains the requirements for the design of fibre reinforced polymer bridges.national-highwaysdesignfrp
DMRB CD 358 - Waterproofing and surfacing of concrete bridge decks
DMRB CD 358 – Waterproofing and surfacing of concrete bridge decks2022-032022-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document sets out the requirements for waterproofing and surfacing concrete decks of highway bridges, including accommodation bridges, tunnels, box-type …national-highwaysdesignwaterproofing
DMRB CD 357 - Bridge expansion joints
DMRB CD 357 – Bridge expansion joints2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document sets out the requirements for the design and specification of expansion joints for use in highway bridge decks. …national-highwaysdesignexpansion-joints
DMRB CD 355 - Application of whole-life costs for design and maintenance of highway structures
DMRB CD 355 – Application of whole-life costs for design and maintenance of highway structures2019-072019-07Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. The purpose of this document is to present a common procedure for estimating the whole-life cost of alternative designs or …national-highwaysbridge-managementfinancial
DMRB CD 354 - Design of Minor Structures
DMRB CD 354 – Design of Minor Structures2022-022022-02Access free from the DMRB website. This document covers the design of minor highway structures including lighting columns, cantilever masts for traffic signals and/or speed cameras, CCTV masts, and fixed …national-highwaysbridge-managementminor-structures
DMRB CD 350 - The design of highway structures
DMRB CD 350 – The design of highway structures2020-032020-03Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document gives requirements, advice and guidance of the Overseeing Organisation on the use of Eurocodes for the design of …national-highwaysdesignstructures
DMRB CD 127 - Cross-sections and headrooms
DMRB CD 127 – Cross-sections and headrooms2021-072021-07Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. This document provides requirements for the highway cross-sections and headroom at structures for motorway and all-purpose trunk roads.national-highwaysdesign
Technical Memorandum (Bridges) BE 2/73 - Prestressed concrete for Highway Structures
Technical Memorandum (Bridges) BE 2/73 – Prestressed concrete for Highway Structures1973-061973-06This Memorandum supersedes Technical Memorandum BE 20 and Interim Memoranda IM2, 3 and 8 and is intended to be used in conjunction with the 1969 Edition of the Specification for …, national-highwaysassessment designconcrete
Technical Memorandum (Bridges) BE 1/77 Standard Highway Loadings
Technical Memorandum (Bridges) BE 1/77 Standard Highway Loadings2023-041977-02This Technical Memorandum is a revision of BE 5/73: Standard Highway Loadings and is closely based on B116/2 draft loading requirements as consistent with the current elastic stress basis of …, national-highwaysassessment designloading
Technical Memorandum (Bridges) BE 1/73 (1st Edition) - Reinforced concrete for Highway Structures (and Amendment No 1)
Technical Memorandum (Bridges) BE 1/73 (1st Edition) – Reinforced concrete for Highway Structures (and Amendment No 1)1979-071979-07This Memorandum supersedes Technical Memorandum (Bridges) BE 1/73 issued in January 1973 and is intended to be used in conjunction with the 1969 Edition of the Specification for Road and …, national-highwaysassessment designconcrete
BE 13 - Fatigue risk in Bailey Bridges
BE 13 – Fatigue risk in Bailey Bridges1968-041968-04Access free from the DMRB website. The Military Engineering Experimental Establishment has drawn the Department’s attention to the possibility of fatigue failure occurring in the main girder panels of Bailey …highways-agencyassessmentbailey-bridges
DMRB BE 5/75 - Rules for the Design and Use of Freyssinet Concrete Hinges in Highway Structures
DMRB BE 5/75 – Rules for the Design and Use of Freyssinet Concrete Hinges in Highway Structures1975-031975-03Access free from the DMRB website. This Technical Memorandum in Metric Units replaced the Ministry of Transport Memorandum No. 577/1 published by HMSO in 1966. It has now been superseded …, , national-highwaysassessment designconcrete freyssinet-hinges
DMRB BD 97/12 - The Assessment of Scour and Other Hydraulic Actions at Highway Structures
DMRB BD 97/12 – The Assessment of Scour and Other Hydraulic Actions at Highway Structures2012-052012-05Access free from the DMRB website. Also available from CIS. Scour of foundations by the action of water is a major cause of bridge collapse, and it is important to …national-highwaysassessmentscour
BD 37 - Loads for highway bridges
BD 37 – Loads for highway bridges1988-20011988-2001Access free from the DMRB website. This Standard specifies the loading to be used for the design of highway bridges and associated structures through the attached revision of Composite Version …, national-highwaysassessment designloading
BD 21 - The assessment of highway bridges and structures
BD 21 – The assessment of highway bridges and structures1984-20011984-2001Access free from the DMRB website. BD21 was the Standard giving criteria for the assessment of highway bridges and structures. The first version was BD 21/84. Subsequent revisions were BD21/93 …national-highwaysassessmentstructures
BA 16 - The assessment of highway bridges and structures
BA 16 – The assessment of highway bridges and structures1984-19971984-1997Access free from the DMRB website. This Advice Note is intended to be used in conjunction with BD 21 (DMRB 3.4.3) for the assessment of highway bridges and structures. It …national-highwaysassessmentstructures
Guidance document for performance measurement of highway structures, Parts A, B1, B2, B3 and C
Guidance document for performance measurement of highway structures, Parts A, B1, B2, B3 and C2007, 2007Also available from CIS. This document describes the framework for, and overall context of, performance measurement for highway structure. The performance measures are contained within one guidance document that contains …county-surveyors-society highways-agencyasset-managementdata
CSS Commuted Sums for Maintaining Infrastructure Assets
CSS Commuted Sums for Maintaining Infrastructure Assets2009-112009-11This document is SUPERSEDED but kept here for reference. The new document is here. This document produced by ADEPT (Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning & Transport, formerly CCS, …adeptasset-managementfinancial
Bridge Condition Indicators, Volumes 1 to 3 (2002 and 2004)
Bridge Condition Indicators, Volumes 1 to 3 (2002 and 2004)2002, 20042002, 2004Published by the County Surveyors Society in 2002, with addenda in 2004. These documents outline a standard process for condition scores to bridge elements during the bridge inspection process, , county-surveyors-societyasset-management bridge-managementdata inspection
Code of practice for works affecting the Canal and River Trust
Code of practice for works affecting the Canal and River Trust2022-042022-04Access free from the C&RT website. The Code of Practice for Works Affecting the Canal & River Trust gives guidance and details procedures for all those whose work may or …crtcollaboration
Technical Report 68. Assessment, design and repair of fire-damaged concrete structures (includes amendment No. 1 January 2009)
Technical Report 68. Assessment, design and repair of fire-damaged concrete structures (includes amendment No. 1 January 2009)1990-011990-01Purchase from the Concrete Society website. Also available from CIS. Concrete has good fire resistance and concrete structures are generally capable of being repaired after a fire, even a severe …, the-concrete-societyassessmentconcrete fire-damage
CAS 19 - Historic reinforcing bars and fabric
CAS 19 – Historic reinforcing bars and fabric2000-012000-01Purchase from the Concrete Society website. Also available from CIS. Provides information how Standards for steel have changed over the years, covering strengths, identification of reinforcement types, fabric sizes etc.the-concrete-societyassessmentreinforcement
Bridgeguard 3 - Current Information Sheets
Bridgeguard 3 – Current Information Sheets1999-20031999-2003Current Information Sheets were published by Network Rail as part of the Bridgeguard 3 programme between 1996 and 2004. They give advice and clarification on a variety of issues associated …network-railassessment
SP171 - Manual on scour at bridges
and other hydraulic structures
- supplementary guide
SP171 – Manual on scour at bridges and other hydraulic structures – supplementary guide2021-052021-05Purchase from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. This supplement to C742 Manual on scour at bridges and other hydraulic structures, second edition captures additional knowledge since the guide …ciriadesignscour
C800 - Guidance on the assessment of masonry arch bridges Part 2
C800 – Guidance on the assessment of masonry arch bridges Part 22022-052022-05Access free from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. Masonry arch bridges have proved to be reliable, enduring structures and remain a vital part of the road, rail and …ciriaassessmentmasonry
C800 - Guidance on the assessment of masonry arch bridges Part 1
C800 – Guidance on the assessment of masonry arch bridges Part 12022-052022-05Access free from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. Masonry arch bridges have proved to be reliable, enduring structures and remain a vital part of the road, rail and …ciriaassessmentmasonry
C798 - Non-destructive testing for civil structures
C798 – Non-destructive testing for civil structures2022-022022-02Purchase from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. Non-destructive testing (NDT) can be used to inform and support the management of structures across all stages of their life cycle. …ciriabridge-managementsurvey-and-testing
C788 - Structural health monitoring in civil engineering
C788 – Structural health monitoring in civil engineering2020-062020-06Purchase from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. The need for civil infrastructure to have a longer and more informed life, coupled with recent developments in technology, has led …, , ciriabridge-managementinspection monitoring survey-and-testing
C786 - Culvert, screen and outfall manual
C786 – Culvert, screen and outfall manual2019-122019-12Access free from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. Adopting a ‘whole life’ approach to the design and operation of culverts, screens and outfalls, this manual replaces two previous …ciriadesignculverts
CIRIA C784 - Deterioration modelling of civil engineering assets
CIRIA C784 – Deterioration modelling of civil engineering assets20192019Access free from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. Deterioration modelling is an analytical technique that involves the creation and use of a mathematical or rules-based model that seeks …, ciriaasset-managementdeterioration planning
C779 - Fibre-reinforced polymer bridges
C779 – Fibre-reinforced polymer bridges2018-102018-10Access free from the CIRIA website. Within the UK the projected growth in the use of FRP composites for structural applications in the construction sector suggests high levels of growth …ciriadesignfrp
C778 - Management of safety-critical fixings
C778 – Management of safety-critical fixings2019-022019-02Access free from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. Fixings are widely used in construction and include those that are safety-critical and non safety-critical. The case studies in this …ciriabridge-managementrisk-management
C766 - Control of cracking caused by restrained deformation in concrete
C766 – Control of cracking caused by restrained deformation in concrete2018-122018-12Purchase from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. Cracking occurs when the tensile strain, arising from either restrained contraction or the strain differential within the concrete section, exceeds the …ciriadesignconcrete
C764 - Hidden Defects in Bridges
C764 – Hidden Defects in Bridges2017-062017-06Purchase from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. The UK and Ireland’s bridges play a critical role in support of their countries’ economies and societies. As evidenced by the …, ciriabridge-managementinspection survey-and-testing
C760 - Guidance on embedded retaining wall design
C760 – Guidance on embedded retaining wall design2017-022017-02Purchase from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. This publication provides good practice guidance on the selection and design of vertical embedded retaining walls to satisfy the requirements of …ciriadesignretaining-walls
C742 - Manual on scour at bridges and other hydraulic structures, second edition. Supplementary guidance SP171
C742 – Manual on scour at bridges and other hydraulic structures, second edition. Supplementary guidance SP1712015-042015-04Purchase from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. Structures built in or near rivers and other channels can be vulnerable to scour around their foundations. If the depth of …ciriadesignscour
C689 - Culvert Guide
C689 – Culvert Guide2010-042010-04Purchase from the CIRIA website. A culvert provides the means of allowing infrastructure to cross a watercourse. Culverts are superficially simple structures, but they have the potential to restrict flow …ciriadesignculverts
C686 - Safe Access for Maintenance and Repair
C686 – Safe Access for Maintenance and Repair2009-052009-05Purchase from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. The purpose of this document is to assist designers by providing good practice guidance aimed specifically at designing for safe maintenance …ciriamaintenance
C676 - Drystone retaining walls and their modifications: condition appraisal and remedial treatment
C676 – Drystone retaining walls and their modifications: condition appraisal and remedial treatment2009-03, 2009-03Access free from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. This publication provides infrastructure owners, consulting engineers, contractors and maintenance managers with guidance on the management, condition appraisal, maintenance and …, , ciria county-surveyors-societyinspection investigation maintenanceretaining-walls
C671 - Tunnels: Inspection, Assessment and Maintenance
C671 – Tunnels: Inspection, Assessment and Maintenance2010-012010-01Purchase from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. This guide provides infrastructure owners, consulting engineers, contractors and maintenance managers with guidance on the management, condition appraisal, maintenance and repair …, , , ciriaassessment inspection investigation maintenancetunnels
C664 - Iron and steel bridges: Condition appraisal and remedial treatment
C664 – Iron and steel bridges: Condition appraisal and remedial treatment2007-112007-11Access free from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. This guidance is aimed to meet the requirements of those with a general knowledge of bridge engineering and asset management …, ciriaassessment maintenance
CIRIA C660 - Early-age Thermal Crack Control in Concrete
CIRIA C660 – Early-age Thermal Crack Control in Concrete20072007Access free from the CIRIA website. This guide replaced R91 and has now been superseded by CIRIA C766. This guide provides a method for estimating the magnitude of crack-inducing strain …ciriadesignconcrete
C656 - Masonry arch bridges: Condition appraisal and remedial treatment
C656 – Masonry arch bridges: Condition appraisal and remedial treatment2006-082006-08Access free from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. Masonry arch bridges have proved to be reliable, enduring structures and remain a vital part of the road, rail and …, ciriainspection-and-testing maintenancemasonry
CIRIA C543 - Bridge Detailing Guide
CIRIA C543 – Bridge Detailing Guide20012001Available from CIS. Gives guidance for engineers and technicians engaged in the preparation and development of details for highway and accommodation bridges, subways, culverts and retaining walls. Concentrates on the …ciriadesignstructures
C519 - Action in the case of nonconformity of concrete structures
C519 – Action in the case of nonconformity of concrete structures2000-012000-01Purchase from the CIRIA website. Also available from CIS. As construction techniques become more sophisticated and the requirements of contract programmes become more demanding, nonconformities – that is, elements and …ciriamaintenanceconcrete
CIRIA Report 106 - Post tensioning systems for concrete in the UK: 1940 - 1985
CIRIA Report 106 – Post tensioning systems for concrete in the UK: 1940 – 198519851985Available from CIS. The different forms of post-tensioning systems for concrete structures are presented in this Report. It covers not only those currently marketed in the UK, but also provides …ciriaassessmentpost-tensioning
Circular Roads 2/91 - Assessment and strengthening of highway bridges and structures
Circular Roads 2/91 – Assessment and strengthening of highway bridges and structures1991-051991-05Also available from CIS. A 15 year bridge rehabilitation programme for trunk road bridges was announced in November 1987. A major part of that programme was the assessment, and where …, department-for-transportassessment strengtheningstructures
Circular Roads 61/72 - Routes for heavy and high abnormal loads
Circular Roads 61/72 – Routes for heavy and high abnormal loads1972-111972-11Also available from CIS. Circular Roads 61/72 introduced the Heavy and High Load Grids. The enclosed ‘heavy-load’ and ‘high-load’ grid maps showed routes currently capable of carrying gross loads up …department-of-the-environmentnetwork-managementabnormal-loads
Code of practice on the Highways Network Asset 2016 edition - Guidance Notes
Code of practice on the Highways Network Asset 2016 edition – Guidance Notes2016-082016-08Purchase from the CIPFA website. This Code, first published in 2010, provides guidance on the development and use of financial information to support asset management, financial management and reporting of …cipfaasset-managementfinancial
Code of practice on the Highways Network Asset 2016 edition
Code of practice on the Highways Network Asset 2016 edition2016-082016-08Purchase from the CIPFA website. These Guidance Notes support the CIPFA Code of Practice on the Highways Network Asset. These Guidance Notes aim to: a) provide finance teams with the …cipfaasset-managementfinancial
CIPFA Bulletin 12 Accounting for infrastructure assets temporary solution
CIPFA Bulletin 12 Accounting for infrastructure assets temporary solution2023-012023-01Access free from the CIPFA website. The CIPFA Bulletin 12 ? Accounting for Infrastructure Assets ? Temporary Solution covers the issues to be considered regarding the temporary solution for the …cipfaasset-managementfinancial
TG10 - Enhancing the capacity of concrete bridges
TG10 – Enhancing the capacity of concrete bridges2008-12, 2008-12Purchase from the Concrete Society website. Also available from CIS. This report covers the different types of strengthening for reinforced and prestressed concrete highway and railway bridges and for masonry …concrete-bridge-development-group concrete-societystrengtheningconcrete
BS ISO 55000:2014 Asset Management
BS ISO 55000:2014 Asset Management2014-012014-01Purchase from the BSI website. Also available from CIS. BS ISO 55000 defines the concepts and terminology needed to develop a long-term asset management system incorporating corporate mission, values, objectives, …british-standards-institute-bsiasset-management
BS5400 Steel, Concrete and Composite Bridges - Parts 1 to 10
BS5400 Steel, Concrete and Composite Bridges – Parts 1 to 101978-20061978-2006Purchase from the British Standards Institute (BSi) website. Also available from CIS. BS 5400 was a British Standard code of practice for the design and construction of steel, concrete and …, british-standards-institute-bsiassessment designstructures
BS 8779:2022 Assessment, maintenance and repair of masonry highway parapets for bridges and other structures. Code of practice
BS 8779:2022 Assessment, maintenance and repair of masonry highway parapets for bridges and other structures. Code of practice2022-052022-05Purchase from the BSI website. Also available from CIS. This British Standard provides recommendations and guidance for the assessment, maintenance and repair of existing reinforced and unreinforced masonry parapets. It …, , british-standards-institute-bsiassessment maintenance strengtheningparapets
Bridge Owners Forum Minutes
Bridge Owners Forum Minutes20242024Access free from the BOF website. The Bridge Owners Forum works alongside the UK Bridges Board bringing bridge owners and managers together to share best practice and innovation in the …bridge-owners-forumcollaborationmeeting-minutes
Grand Challenges 2020
Grand Challenges 20202020-032020-03Access free from the BOF website. The Grand Challenges are intended to be used to influence bridge stakeholders, to present an accurate picture of the current pressures we face and …bridge-owners-forumbridge-management
Advice on bridges, gradients and steps in England and Wales
Advice on bridges, gradients and steps in England and Wales2023-012023-01Access free from the British Horse Society website. Updated guidance from the British Horse Society on appropriate specifications for equestrian bridges over watercourses, roads and railways.british-horse-societydesignfootbridges
MOT Technical Memorandum (Bridges) No. B.E.4
MOT Technical Memorandum (Bridges) No. B.E.41967-19701967-1970Ministry of Transport Technical Memorandum (Bridges) No. B.E.4 dated January 1967 (as amended up to 11th November 1970). The assessment of highway bridges for construction and use regulations (BE4, BE …ministry-of-transportassessmentstructures
BCSA Publication 11/84, Historical Structural Steelwork Handbook
BCSA Publication 11/84, Historical Structural Steelwork Handbook1984-041984-04Access free from the BCSA website. Also available from CIS. Compiled and written by W Bates C Eng, FI Struct E Properties of UK and European cast iron, wrought iron …bcsaassessmentsteel
BCSA Publication 61/19: Historical Structural Iron and Steel Sections
BCSA Publication 61/19: Historical Structural Iron and Steel Sections2019-092019-09Purchase from the BCSA website. Also available from CIS. “Historical Structural Iron and Steel Sections ? Properties of historical cast iron, wrought iron and steel sections was originally published in …bcsamaterialssteel
Asset Data Management Manual (ADMM)
Asset Data Management Manual (ADMM)2021-102021-10Access free from the Standards for Highways website. The ADMM sets out National Highways’ asset data requirements to achieve both its corporate objectives as well as its asset management objectives. …national-highwaysdata-management
ADEPT Commuted Sums Calculator 2018
ADEPT Commuted Sums Calculator 201820182018Access free from the ADEPT website. A spreadsheet to assist in calculation of Commuted Sums for bridge projectsadeptasset-managementfinancial
Commuted sums for the relief of maintenance and reconstruction of bridges (amended)
Commuted sums for the relief of maintenance and reconstruction of bridges (amended)2017-082017-08Access free from the ADEPT website. A commuted sum is the calculated sum of money necessary to compensate for the transfer of a liability from one to another. The sum …adeptbridge-managementfinancial
ADEPT/Canal and River Trust Guidance Note
ADEPT/Canal and River Trust Guidance Note2024-04, 2024-04Access free from the ADEPT, CRT website. A Guidance Note prepared by the ADEPT National Bridges Working Group and the Canal and River Trust to establish the basis of collaborative …adept crtcollaboration
ADEPT National Bridges Group Minutes
ADEPT National Bridges Group Minutes20242024Access free from the ADEPT website. The ADEPT National Bridges Working Group is a forum for knowledge sharing and liaison between the local authorities who form the membership of ADEPT. …adeptcollaborationmeeting-minutes