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This Advice Note is intended to be used in conjunction with BD 21 (DMRB 3.4.3) for the assessment of highway bridges and structures. It covers certain types of structure or structural components where firm criteria cannot be given but where the assessment of structural adequacy involves the exercise of engineering judgement. It also contains details of alternative quick and simple methods of load distribution and arch assessment which, while being conservative, are nevertheless adequate for assessment purposes. Finally, it gives advice on ways of remedying the various defects which are found in different types of structure. Although this document is advisory in nature, the principles and methods given are acceptable to the Overseeing Organisation and may be deemed to satisfy any relevant criteria given in BD 21 (DMRB 3.4.3).
BA 16 was first issued as BA 16/84, then BA 16/93 and BA 16/97 with several amendments to these documents.